Bonne et heureuse année 2016 ! Happy new year 2016! С новым годом 2016!

New start in Moscow on Saturday 23th of January, please write us for subscription & information, Reprise du studio à Moscou le samedi 23 janvier, pour inscription & information, écrivez-nous ! Мы стартуем в Москве в субботу 23 января! для записи и информации, напишите нам!

From Paris with love for art!

Dear art-lovers! chers amoureux de l’art ! Дорогие влюблённые в искусство!

Happy New Year 2016! Bonne et heureuse année 2016 ! С новым годом 2016! Your Art Studio starts 2016 in Moscow on Saturday 23th of January, join us ! Votre atelier reprend ses activités artistiques à Moscou le samedi 23 janvier, rejoignez-nous ! Ваша арт-студия стартует 2016 в Москве в субботу 23 января, присоединяетесь к нам! Write us for more information and subscription, écrivez-nous pour vous inscrire et pour recevoir nos infos, напишите нам для записи и информации.

Maslenitsa, Park Gorki, Moscou



The 17th March 2013, Gorky Park, Moscow

Children and eternal children came to experiment art and have fun together at our studio!

Thank you friends! small and big art-lovers!

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La Voix de la Russie, interview

«Детское» искусство — это самое настоящее искусство

intervew of artist, in Enlish

Rushing for Success → Tilda Lovi – French visual artist and sculptor
Feb 19, 2012 15:50 Moscow Time

photo-Tilda“Many years after I left Bretagne to live and study in Paris, and to travel around the world, once as I came back to my bout du monde (“my ends of the earth”) near the Ocean – I remember that it was at low tide – I understood suddenly that my sculptures were full of oceanic Celtic soul, and that we, human beings, are all our life long just walking on the bottom of the Ocean!”

Tilda Lovi has been exhibiting her sculptures and paintings on canvas and on paper, and her large format photos and installations, in France and abroad, for 15 years. Several of her works have been sought after by museums and private collectors (in France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and the USA), and some of her works have been acquired by private collections in Russia, after a personal exhibition at the Aidan Gallery in Moscow. Tilda opened in 2006 in Moscow a new and original Studio of Contemporary Art for children, Pour l’Amour de l’Art. After successful exhibitions of children’s works at the French Cultural Center (Institut Français), after having been invited at the Russian National Center for Contemporary art, Moscow (NCCA) and realized several projects and exhibitions of the Studio in Moscow. … more

The Voice of Russia, интервью Тильды Лови

Любовь – основа обучения детей современному искусству


интервью художницы-скульптора

logo на русском языке

… Я не занимаюсь историей искусства, это не моя цель. Но есть периоды в искусстве, которые мне наиболее близки и к которым я обращаюсь, чтобы объяснить что-то детям. Например, египетское искусство ребенку понять довольно просто. Потому что искусство египтян как дневник. Рисунками и миниатюрами они описывали, как жили, что делали. По миниатюрам можно отследить жизнь человека с рождения и до конца, с утра до ночи. Ребенку это интересно, потому что поначалу он делает очень маленькие скульптуры. А потом, чтобы помочь ему лепить большие фигуры из глины, я покажу ему фотографии пирамид, расскажу о них. То есть я пользуюсь искусством в истории, а не историей искусства. А временным этапам в искусстве ребенок будет в школе учиться, когда у него это будет в программе.

Маленьким детям вместо рассказа об истории развития искусства лучше показать древние скульптуры. Они такие грубые, простые и тем самым очень интересные – как будто их ребенок сделал…

Тильда Лови



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La Voix de la Russie, reportage

“Cinespectacle” brings art and joy to Russia’s orphans

reportage about ArtStudio, by Anastasia Fedorova, in Enlish

Moscow Heartbeat → Tilda Lovi – French visual artist and sculptor
Feb 16, 2013 16:20 Moscow Time

blind sculpture, Master-class, by Alexej Shpakovskiy

Tilda Lovi

Tilda Lovi Studio is a new art school opening on the territory of the trendy Art Play in Moscow. It opens it’s doors to “eternal” children, or anyone that wants to create. Joining forces with the amazing “Cinespectacle” State Theater, Tilda Lovi raises money to bring art classes and theater productions to Russia’s orphanages.. …

The Voice of Russia

master-class d’Alexei Shpakovski

blind sculpture

Master-class, by Alexej Shpakovskiy, new teacher of sculpture at Tilda Clovis studio in Design Center ArtPlay.
Your hands can see! Discover your secret talent with blind sculpture, from a research of Tilda Lovi’s method. Master-class directed by a great Russian sculptor! Clay, papier-mâché, original techniques.

Russian, English.

children from 10 y.o. and adults.

fees: 1000 RUB (special offer). All included (professional material). Just bring your photo-camera and light shoes.

subscription and information:
tel. +7 495 916 76 70, +7 916 822 09 42
(Julie, assistant of Tilda Lovi, Russian, English, French).



сontemporary art charity weekend

16 photo credit Moscow

au Studio International d’Art Contemporain de Tilda Lovi au Centre de design ArtPlay


with CoolCoz




Program Saturday and Sunday 9th and 10th of February 2013 at ArtPlay

reportage, Radio Voice of Russia

11 Master classes in contemporary arts with Tilda Lovi, Christina Pavlovskaya, Irina Gratsinskaya, Rita Haso, Vera Shankova, Maria Ushakova, Nathan Smith, Elena Sakirko, Maria Sakirko; Lubov Grin, Artur Makarov Theater and Alexey Levshin.


SPECIAL DINNER ON SUNDAY with Maria Ushakova, Les Recettes D’Arthur and Phil Akter (Donatien de Rochambeau).



  • 1. 11.30-13.00: Pour l’Amour de l’Art. (Children 3-8 age) with Tilda Lovi, and her assistant Vera Shankova. Русский, Français, English, Deutsch, Portuguese do Brasil.
  • 2. 13.15-14.15: Useless things or demontage-assemblage (children aged 5-10 years, families) with Christina Pavlovskaya. Русский, English.
  • 3. 14.30-15.30: Eyes at your fingertips (Blind sculpture) with Tilda Lovi and a Russian Sculptor (children aged 5 and more, families.) Русский, Français, English, Deutsch, Portuguese do Brasil.
  • 4. 15.45-16.45: Singing in Poetry (families, children from 5 years onwards) with Maria Ushakova. Русский, Français, English.
  • 5. 16.45-18.15: Pour l’Amour de l’Art (families, children from 5 years onwards) with Tilda Lovi.
  • 6. 18.30-19.30: The roots of animation with Elena Sakirko (family groups, children 5 years old and older) Русский, Français, English, Deutsch, Espanol.



  • 7. 11.00-12.00: Contemporary Photography with Maria Sakirko and Lubov Grin. Русский, English, Deutsch.
  • 8. 12.15-13.15: The colour inside me (monotype collage on plastic) with Rita Haso. (children 5 -10 years of age) abstract painting. Русский.
  • 9. 13.30-14.30: The light of the word, poetry + illustration with Irina Gratsinkaya ( 13 years of age and older) Русский, Français.
  • 10. 15.00-17.30: Interactive theater with Arthur Makarov Theater group and Alexey Levshin (children from 4 years of age) Русский, Français, English.
  • 11. 17.45-19.30: FRIENDLY DINNER with Maria Ushakova, Les Recettes d’Arthur, et Phil Akter (Donatien de Rochambeau). Русский, Français, English



Please sign up in advance to make sure there is space for you on a master class.
All inclusive.
Please bring a spare pair of shoes.
